Two Inlets Lake
Two Inlets Lake located in Park Rapids,  Minnesota includes 578 acres of water and is approximately 2 miles from north to south and 1 mile from east to west. Its varied bottom structure of rock, sand, clay and silt offers excellent opportunities to fish walleyes, northern pike, largemouth bass and crappies.

Two inlets lake map

Quick Facts and other Two Inlets Lake Links

Lake Area (acres): 578.00
Littoral Area (acres): 169.00
Maximum Depth (ft): 60.00
Water Clarity (ft): 6.00
Walleye fingerlings and yearlings stocked in 2003, 2007, 2009
Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources lake information report
DNR’s Lake Map – Adobe PDF file

* information drawn from the Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources web site.

